Random System Freezing
I use my Kodi to access my library and stream live tv. My Chromebox randomly freezes many times during the day. It seems to happen mostly when streaming live tv. Not sure if my hardware is becoming outdated or not. I watched the performance chart while streaming my library only went up to 30%. I feel like it started after Nexus,. but I also started streaming live tv about the same time,. so hard to say. Would uploading a log help?
I like the chromebox as its small and hides behind my wall mounted tv. 

ASUS ChromeBox CN60
Kodi 20.2
Libreelect 11.0.3
Which CPU is exactly in your model? That rings a bell of a bug with some "Pentium" CPUs ~ 6 years ago.
Here disabling power state solved the issue, but please post your exact system spec first.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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