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Linux is there a way for kodi to launch apps?

I'm running Nobara linux (a fedora variant) and I was wondering if there is a way to create a link or a batch file ( yes... like in old school dos... Big Grin) that would open an external program like lutris or just firefox and run it over the top?

At the moment I need to close kodi and then start them... easy enough to do but I'm just lazy.. 😁 I tried the lutris add on that's floating about and it didn't work and I don't think it's maintained anymore.. just wondered if there was a way to open things without closing kodi....

There are some ways to achieve this.


Β or edit keymap and add

System.Exec which brings the launched application to the top.
thanks! I'll have a proper look at them in a bit! 😁😁

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is there a way for kodi to launch apps?0