Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
playercorefactory rules: ignores playlist filename?
I have a local .strm playlist with links to .m3u8 files. If I create a playercorefactory rule to use VLC when filetypes="strm" or filename=".*.strm", it doesn't work, but if I specify filetypes="m3u8" or filename=".*.m3u8", it works. So does this mean that the local playlist filename is ignored by playercorefactory rules?

Can playercorefactory rules be able to specify the player used for a particular site, given that all sites use the same media filename?
https://site1/blah1/playlist.m3u8: use default player
https://site2/blah2/playlist.m3u8: use VLC
https://site3/blah3/playlist.m3u8: use default player

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playercorefactory rules: ignores playlist filename?0