Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
script.watched.states for Matrix
here you go

same deal as before, make sure you backup

tested on 19.5 and 21 ALPHA1

straight update of original code to maximize backwards compatibility - no more .json files
(2023-10-13, 23:02)scott967 Wrote: That's fast.  Agree that exporting json is simpler than fooling around with elementree, but to maintain backward compatibility...

scott s.

yea i didnt consider backwards i just assumed it was wanted for current use - thats what i get when i assume, not a big deal just started back from 0

most of it was still workable just a little out of date
(2023-10-13, 23:03)izprtxqkft Wrote: here you go

same deal as before, make sure you backup

tested on 19.5 and 21 ALPHA1

straight update of original code to maximize backwards compatibility - no more .json files
I installed it and ran it, but it stalls on import at 18%. The log file is too large to be uploaded to kodi's pastebin, so I attached a link to it to see if you can let me know what's wrong.



(2023-10-14, 00:04)shedrock Wrote: if you can let me know what's wrong.

got it, deprecated LOGNOTICE ...

fixed that now
(2023-10-14, 01:16)izprtxqkft Wrote: got it, deprecated LOGNOTICE ...
Thank you, it actually works. I imported 15,000+ entries and no errors. However, a couple things. It gives me an error when I try to export the file, and when I go to settings I don't see the "XML-file path:" text to the left of the screen. I suppose the language file needs to be converted? The other issue is that I don't see the fanart.jpg and icon.png being displayed. I tried to place it in the resources folder but that didn't seem to help. Sorry, I suck at this.

Thank you very,  very much for all that you've done to get this up and running. Much appreciated.

you're very welcome

'XML-file path:' in settings fixed*
missing artwork fixed*

next version

yea the language was setup in the old format for multi-language, not something i am even familiar with but given there are no actual translations (only english) i am not honoring the multi-language right now


did it give an error for exporting due to not having the location set in settings or something else? if something else, i need to see what that error is
(2023-10-14, 02:45)izprtxqkft Wrote: did it give an error for exporting due to not having the location set in settings or something else? if something else, i need to see what that error is
No, the actual path is there. In my case it is /storage/downloads/. I will provide an error log in a few minutes.

@izprtxqkft - Here is a log file for the export error issue:

I've also attached a screenshot of the issue with the path English text still missing.

UPDATE: I am not quite sure if there was ever text where I indicated. I will look at my version on Leia and verify.



done and done -

the addon didnt have a category in the settings file so thats why blank
Quote:UPDATE: I am not quite sure if there was ever text where I indicated. I will look at my version on Leia and verify.
probably not, it does now though - simple 2 line addition so that it looks correct

the error is the result of a workaround for an error when the original code used replace on mine it got an error
so i changed it to use ET.indent which works on mine but then causes an error on yours

compromise is to use neither, result is the output file is not 'human readable' but functionally the same from within the addon

if there is a need to edit the file manually then for now it will require an external formatter -
It seems like the import/export is working well now, and thanks for adding the text in the settings. This is so awesome. Smile

Thanks again,

right on

glad you're happy Smile
reupload, longer term on mediafire

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script.watched.states for Matrix0