Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Play music from a specific directory
Is it possible that I select the first file in a selected directory and then the following songs are automatically played. Unfortunately the next song doesn't play automatically and I can't explain why.
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Thanks for the quick reply. But this only works with a playlist, right?
(2023-10-16, 13:05)mikemc Wrote: Thanks for the quick reply. But this only works with a playlist, right?

Make sure you Queue songs on selection is disabled, so when you select a track in a directory then all tracks from that directory is added to a temporary playlist with playback started from the track you selected.
When I turn on the TV and use the keyboard to go to a directory, thanks to your help, all of the following files are now played. But the next file is not played when I select a file in the file browser using the Kodi Remote app. Is there a way to play a specific directory without turning on the TV?

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Play music from a specific directory0