pvr.hts-20.6.4 Nexus / Windows / Stream stops
Since the update to pvr.hts-20.6.4 for Nexus / Windows the stream stops every x minutes (x = 10 to 40 minutes, random).
It buffers up to 3 % but will not continue.
In the TVH Dashboard i can see that the stream is running.

I installed back to pvr.hts-20.6.3 and everything is fine.
Hello, I have the same problem as you, on two Windows computers. Where can I download the old versions, e.g. pvr.hts-20.6.3?

Thanks for the help, Andreas
Latest official version is 20.6.5, which should fix the problem.
Windows 10 System, fresh upgrade, TVheadend addon removed and reinstalled, Kodi keeps on crashing.

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pvr.hts-20.6.4 Nexus / Windows / Stream stops0