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I have KODI running on a number of different systems involving a few different operating systems.  I also have a couple of large Linux servers that are not running KODI, but have access via several network utilities (SMB NFS, etc.).  Is there an easy way to get the KODI clients to share a single database of viewed videos?  That way, for example, when we view an episode of Downton Abbey in the theater, it will show up as already watched in the living room, and so forth.
MySQL (wiki) is one such solution.

Doesn't matter that you're on different OS versions, but the Kodi versions do need to be the same major version (Nexus, Matrix, Leia etc) - different versions use different Databases (wiki), specifically the number.

There are other solutions like Jellyfin or Mezzmo which centralise the whole thing. Never tried them (I use MySQL (wiki)) but others seem to rely on them.
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(2023-11-14, 10:10)lesrhorer Wrote: I have KODI running on a number of different systems involving a few different operating systems.  I also have a couple of large Linux servers that are not running KODI, but have access via several network utilities (SMB NFS, etc.).  Is there an easy way to get the KODI clients to share a single database of viewed videos?  That way, for example, when we view an episode of Downton Abbey in the theater, it will show up as already watched in the living room, and so forth.

As mentioned, Mezzmo has this capability by default and much more.  It does not require all Kodi clients to be on the same version, like the MySQL sharing option.  You can see all the various Kodi sharing solutions here.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
based on the user's previous posts i do not honestly believe any external solutions such as jellyfin or mezzmo are a good fit for the user

the MySQL method would be recommended in this situation

here is a good links to get started
(2023-11-14, 19:13)izprtxqkft Wrote: based on the user's previous posts i do not honestly believe any external solutions such as jellyfin or mezzmo are a good fit for the user

the MySQL method would be recommended in this situation

I concur that based upon the ask, external solutions might be a bit much and that a MySQL solution would be the less complex initially (with the version limitations).  It may come with some DBA database management requirements which some folks may not want to tackle.  

I often find that as folks begin to realize the capabilities that the various sharing solutions bring to the table, it opens up an entirely new world of opportunities for Kodi usage.  My recommendation is don't limit the ask / problem set which may limit the solutions until you've at least looked at the possibilities.  I started out with a single Kodi instance and over time have grown the uses and flexibility and would never go back.  It's nice having an almost fully automated media sharing solution that can bend and flex to any need I may think of. 


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , CBC Sports, Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
(2023-11-14, 22:22)jbinkley60 Wrote: I often find that as folks begin to realize the capabilities that the various sharing solutions bring to the table, it opens up an entirely new world of opportunities for Kodi usage.

100% a media server backend for Kodi is awesome
1. a single point for metadata management
2. instant client setups means Kodi can be wiped and reinstated within a few minutes without any drawbacks
3. no file sharing (nfs/smb/upnp/webdav/etc/etc)
4. common watch states
5. multi user management
6. cross device / platform / app that all share the identical experience and data

in most instances i would recommend a media server over a mysql+smb server as it's about the same amount of work with even more benefit (and i would never revert my kodi+jellyfin setup)

just not this time for this particular user's requirements
Jbinkley60's excellent Mezzmo utility does have lots of great features, but the last time I looked, it is a Windows - only solution, which does not meet my needs.  If this has changed, I would be more than happy to look into it.  Meanwhile, MySQL or MariaDB would seem to be viable options.  I looked through the MySQL tutorial suggested by izprtxqkft, and the server side seems quite straightforward, but I am a bit puzzled by the client side.  The tutorial talks about a client script, but first of all I am having trouble finding it, and secondly I am a little unsure of how to implement it on Android clients, once I find it.  Changes to the advanced setup .xml file are a bit of a pain, but quite doable, but the tutorial is not entirely clear whether or not the script is required or useable on Android.  This seems to me a pertinent question, given the significant differences between the Android clients.

It looks to me like the WatchedList add-on might be the very thing for which I am looking.  My main concern is the database is -at least by default - managed based upon the imdb/thetvdb number.  My movies do not have this number, and some of my TV shows also do not.  Can anyone lend some insight?

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