Smart Playlist : Does not work for Music Video
I creating smart playlist (Movies, Old Movies, Documentary, Comedy).. using the filter "Path contains", or "Path is smb://XXX/xxx/xxx"
They all works fine, except for MusicVideo.  This is weird, as when you edit the Filter, to check the one you have you can click on "browse" and I see my all my Concerts which are in the targeted folder.
The issue is when I am on the list of Playlist, and click on my 'Concert' playlist it is empty.
I have tried several methods and none works
Any Idea ?
PS : Each concert is in individual folder, correctly named, ..
Nvidia Shield Pro 2020 Nexus 20.2
I'm going to guess here a bit, looking at what you said. If you made a smartlist and set the Type to Music Videos, and then add the path filter and pointed to your concerts, is not going to show anything. Because concerts (i.e. Evanescence - Synthesis Live, Garbage - One Mile High...Live, etc) are not music videos, they are movies, and metadata for them can be scraped with the movie scrapers.
(2023-11-30, 01:26)Daydream Wrote: I'm going to guess here a bit, looking at what you said. If you made a smartlist and set the Type to Music Videos, and then add the path filter and pointed to your concerts, is not going to show anything. Because concerts (i.e. Evanescence - Synthesis Live, Garbage - One Mile High...Live, etc) are not music videos, they are movies, and metadata for them can be scraped with the movie scrapers.

I forgot to say that I had already test with 'Movie' type of 'data'. So I am clueless
Edit : Got It : The scrapper was not the right type on Media/Library/Video. 
NB : Thx for your help, this put me on the right path
Nvidia Shield Pro 2020 Nexus 20.2

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Smart Playlist : Does not work for Music Video0