How to stream avi
At the risc of asking a question you've seen plenty of times (Even though search turns up nothing) here goes....

I use the XBMC to stream to my living room (Mediabox of some sort)
I've managed to make it show up on my teevee, but the folders i have shared only reveals the mpgs, not a single avi format (Xvid and Div-X) shows in the list.

I'm an avid follower of various scifi shows, and have recently gone hunting for a better "streamer" since NERO really SUCKS. Stumbled across XBMC and to be frank....No matter how many querks needs to be sorted out, this is by far the best piece of software i've come across for a long time.

So is there a trick to get the avis to show up on my list, or do i have to settle for some serious dvd watching for now?

THANK YOU for developing such an excellent piece of software....and for free at that.
Sorry you weren't particularly clear. You're using XBMC as a upnp server to some set-top box? Or trying to stream from a server in another room to a system running XBMC in your living room? Maybe you should try to rephrase the whole problem.
I'm using the first scenario.
Streaming from my master server in another building through XBMC
to a set-top box in my living room.

I've shared folders, but only the mpgs show up on the set-top box

Hope that clarifies Big Grin
And you're sure said set-top box supports playback of the formats you're looking to play? You might try connecting to the xbmc upnp server with another app and make sure that the files are being rendered as you expect.
I've used NERO and Mediaplayer so far without any codec problems.
As soon as i had the libraries shared the mpg and iso files showed up instantly, but the folders with avi.....Nothing
So i guess the support for avis are native, but doesn't work here for some reason.
So after an extensive test....

I'm able to play almost everything on the computer where XBMC is installed - Through XBMC.
But the problem persists.
When i use XBMC as server over UPnP only mpeg files show op on my set-top box in the living room.
I have always been able to watch avis of of various formats through either Mediaplayer 10 or NERO mediahome. But with XBMC nothing shows up except empty directories.

ANY suggestion would be appreciated Big Grin
i'd forget upnp all together personally and just go with playing directly off SMB network shares and/or mapped network drives (mapped in windows that is, not xbmc)

if you use mapped network drives (my personal recommendation), this will effectively be the same as playing the files locally (as far as xbmc can tell anyway)
Seems like your set top box doesent support xvid/divx natively. If you got them to play via MS extender maybe it was converted before it went to your set top box ?

However why do you want to play with a set top box and not use xbmc as your main mediacenter directly connected to your TV ?
My setup box does support most codecs, including the avi container formats
And since i don't have a computer in my living room the best solution is to use the mediabox.

I guess the support on UPnP isn't all there yet, so i'll just wait and check future releases.

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How to stream avi0