Non-ASCII characters garbled in library export?
Gotcha - thanks for the clarification. I'll try 21 grams later today and see if I can reproduce on win32.

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Hmm I may have overlooked something originally or reported it wrong. I re-scraped my library today and noticed that 21 grams is actually garbled in XBMC as well. So I guess it's not the export after all but somewhere farther in?
OK guys I have got it narrowed down - turns out it's the scraping from the XML NFO that is killing my formatting. Here is a log where I deleted 21 Grams from my library and re-scanned it from its NFO file:

The relevant section of this log file:

19:09:54 T:2768 M:656822272 DEBUG: Checking if file '21.grams.2003.720p.dtheater.dts.x264-esir.mkv' is a Sample file
19:09:54 T:2768 M:656818176 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1191
19:09:54 T:2768 M:656756736 DEBUG: Found matching nfo file: H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.nfo
19:09:54 T:2768 M:656711680 DEBUG: VIDEO::CVideoInfoScanner::CheckForNFOFile Got details from nfo
19:09:54 T:2768 M:656711680 DEBUG: Adding new item to movies:H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.mkv
19:09:54 T:2768 M:657276928 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1191
19:09:54 T:2768 M:657272832 DEBUG: CVideoDatabase::GetMovieId (H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.mkv), query = select idMovie from movie where idFile=1191
19:09:55 T:2768 M:652873728 INFO: Caching image from: H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR-fanart.jpg to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\XBMC\UserData\Thumbnails\Video\Fanart\914b37c3.tbn

As you can see it says it loads the data from my NFO file (H:\Movies\21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.nfo). If I open that NFO file in notepad, it shows proper accented characters. After importing from this NFO file, though, my XBMC library shows the garbled characters. I have archived the NFO file so as to preserve formatting:

If somebody could try making a fake 21.Grams.2003.720p.DTheater.DTS.x264-ESiR.mkv file an importing it into their library I'd be much obliged.
The NFO file needs the utf8 declaration at the top of it.

No utf8 declaration and it's assumed to be in the string charset (thus conversion to utf8, which will screw up).
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Ah perfect! 10 lines of python and I finally have my library in an offline format :0)
Cool Smile

There's a couple of smarter tests that we could do for utf8 detection - I'll chat with some others about it.

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Non-ASCII characters garbled in library export?0