Rollback/downgrade Kodi on Xbox One S
Is it possible to rollback or downgrade Kodi on Xbox One S? If so, how? I am trying to see if can remove/clear cache for 20.3 Nexus that was downloaded from MS and install manually from usb flash drive. thanx. I'm not having any issues. I'm wanting to know as I continue to learn Python I want to understand the ins/outs of Kodi and its official/authorized add-ons on different platforms. This is for my learning purposes and for helping out family and friends in the future.
Not possible on the Xbox.
Ok. Thank you.
To be precise, it may not be possible in the retail model, and the reason why I say maybe. It's because I don't know if it's possible to install a low version of Kodi by hijacking the package installation address.
In development mode, however, it's easy. You can install any Kodi version (18.9 and above).

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Rollback/downgrade Kodi on Xbox One S0