2024-03-10, 17:46
This splits the repo by build.
Be sure to update the Repo FIRST before any other pulls for the skin as the installation paths have now changed.
Allows for Omega install now, give it a whirl and report any issues. TY!
Be sure to update the Repo FIRST before any other pulls for the skin as the installation paths have now changed.
Allows for Omega install now, give it a whirl and report any issues. TY!
Quote:Update Instructions:
If you are having connection issues, be sure you are using the latest repository. Any repository prior to 1.0.08 will result in a connection failure!
- Main Menu
- System
- Add-ons
- Click > KittmasterRepo (Should already be there since this is an upgrade)
- Click to update/install > repository.kittmaster-1.0.08.zip or above that is listed there.
Quote:Fresh Start:
If you are having connection issues, be sure you are using the latest repository. Any repository prior to 1.0.08 will result in a connection failure!
- Main Menu
- System
- Add-ons
- My add-ons > All > Scroll until you find "Kittmaster's Repo" > Select
- Right button will provide option to uninstall > Uninstall
- Download repository from Github and save to a folder your device can access: https://kittmaster.github.io/KittmasterRepo
- Select the listed .zip file that is shown at the link in step #6.
- Click into Add-ons
- Install from zip file
- Access to KittmasterRepo can now be accessed within Kodi from "Install from Repository"
- System
- Add-ons
- Kittmaster's Repo
- Look and feel
- Skin
- Madnox