Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Can you mix 2 different libraries?
can I mix 2 different servers/sources with no problems?

For example, if I have Emby with mkv library. However I have a separate library with a non-streamable file like iso and maven build to play Blu-ray menus. So I have my movie file…click on it hand have the streamable mkv then an iso option. Or something along those lines where there’s two different servers/ sources.

or maybe an Emby server and a separate jellyfin server
or Emby and just a second library added to kodi without being in Emby……etc….

Can Kodi do that or does it have to be all from one library.

i know it must sound weird but im curious how that works.
(2024-03-27, 03:10)Jman5150 Wrote: 2 different servers/sources with no problems?
Using the latest 'Omega' which now has the feature video versions, you can add multiple versions under one roof (info, artwork). Once you introduce programs like Emby & Jellyfin as Kodi replacements into the mix; your support for their features ends here. Of course with Kodi, anything is possible with open source software and would be largely dependant on your coding skills.

Reminds me of a time when a user was installing a game from a floppy, halfway through the loading, he pulled the disk, and inserted a different game and said to me; "I just want to see what a mix of two games would look like?"

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Can you mix 2 different libraries?0