Linux Teletext doesn't work in live TV
Hi all,

I'm running Kodi 20.2 "(20.2.0) Git:20240304-nogitfound" with NextPVR backend and an USB tuner in a Linux x64 machine. Live TV works great but teletext doesn't work nor closed captions (I don't know if this issue is related). The first time I tune a channel and access to teletext it shows nothing, only the TV. Next I exit to TV and entry again in teletext: it shows nothing again but this time I can see the lower 4 colour bar with quick access to pages.
I have do several things: change Kodi mask, change renderer, ... without success.
Next I paste the Kodi logs explained:

-- When I tune a live TV channel:
2024-04-10 18:45:42.846 T:32733    info <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: pvr://channels/tv/Todos%20los%20canales/[email protected]_7196.pvr
2024-04-10 18:45:42.919 T:2109     info <general>: Deleting settings information for files pvr://channels/tv/Todos%20los%20canales/[email protected]_7193.pvr
2024-04-10 18:45:42.942 T:2083  warning <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer
2024-04-10 18:45:42.972 T:2074     info <general>: Creating InputStream
2024-04-10 18:45:42.972 T:2074    error <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.nextpvr: Unknown live streaming state 0 0 1
2024-04-10 18:45:42.972 T:2074     info <general>: AddOnLog: pvr.nextpvr: Calling Open( on tsb!
2024-04-10 18:45:42.980 T:32733    info <general>: GL: Selecting YUV 2 RGB shader
2024-04-10 18:45:42.981 T:32733    info <general>: GL: Using GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object
2024-04-10 18:45:42.981 T:32733    info <general>: Using GL_TEXTURE_2D
2024-04-10 18:45:45.664 T:2074     info <general>: Creating Demuxer
2024-04-10 18:45:45.688 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 2 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.688 T:2074  warning <general>: OpenStream - Unsupported stream 2. Stream disabled.
2024-04-10 18:45:45.688 T:2074     info <general>: Closing stream player 2
2024-04-10 18:45:45.688 T:2074     info <general>: waiting for video thread to exit
2024-04-10 18:45:45.688 T:2083     info <general>: thread end: video_thread
2024-04-10 18:45:45.688 T:2074     info <general>: deleting video codec
2024-04-10 18:45:45.689 T:2074     info <general>: VAAPI::Close
2024-04-10 18:45:45.690 T:2084     info <general>: COutput::OnExit: Output Thread terminated
2024-04-10 18:45:45.690 T:2074     info <general>: VAAPI::Close - closing decoder context
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 3 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2074     info <general>: Finding audio codec for: 86056
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2074     info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder eac3
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 6 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 0 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2074     info <general>: waiting for teletext data thread to exit
2024-04-10 18:45:45.704 T:2082     info <general>: thread end: data_thread
2024-04-10 18:45:45.705 T:2074     info <general>: Creating teletext data thread
2024-04-10 18:45:45.705 T:2118     info <general>: running thread: CDVDTeletextData
2024-04-10 18:45:45.705 T:2074     info <general>: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Read() stream change
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 2 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074  warning <general>: OpenStream - Unsupported stream 2. Stream disabled.
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 3 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 6 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 0 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074     info <general>: CDVDDemuxFFmpeg::Read() stream change
2024-04-10 18:45:45.706 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 2 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: Creating video codec with codec id: 27
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::Open() Using codec: H.264 / AVC / MPEG-4 AVC / MPEG-4 part 10
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: Creating video thread
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2119     info <general>: running thread: video_thread
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 3 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: Finding audio codec for: 86056
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder eac3
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 6 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.707 T:2074     info <general>: Opening stream: 0 source: 256
2024-04-10 18:45:45.708 T:2119    error <general>: libva error: /usr/lib/va/ init failed
2024-04-10 18:45:45.709 T:2120     info <general>: COutput::OnStartup: Output Thread created
2024-04-10 18:45:45.709 T:2120    error <general>: Unable to load /usr/lib/kodi/system/, reason: /usr/lib/kodi/system/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
2024-04-10 18:45:45.709 T:2120    error <general>: VAAPI::SupportsFilter failed loading sse4 lib
2024-04-10 18:45:46.300 T:2119  warning <general>: OutputPicture - timeout waiting for buffer
2024-04-10 18:45:48.293 T:2119     info <general>: Skipped 3 duplicate messages..
2024-04-10 18:45:48.293 T:2119     info <general>: CDVDVideoCodecFFmpeg::CDropControl: calculated diff time: 40000

-- When I access first time to teletext:
2024-04-10 18:48:08.730 T:32733    info <general>: Loading skin file: VideoOSD.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2024-04-10 18:48:11.138 T:32733    info <general>: Teletext font /usr/share/kodi/media/Fonts/teletext.ttf loaded

-- When I access second time to teletext:
2024-04-10 18:48:40.815 T:32733    info <general>: Teletext font /usr/share/kodi/media/Fonts/teletext.ttf loaded
2024-04-10 18:48:49.811 T:32733 warning <general>: CGLContextEGL::SwapBuffers: last msc time greater than interval

Thanks in advance.
NextPVR just passes the complete stream to the Kodi video player so if there is an issue with teletext you probably need to open this as a developer issue on GitHub.  There are several complaints about the telexext support in Kodi if you search the forum.  You are using an obsolete version of Nexus and Omega is now released so your best bet is to upgrade to the current release before you post the full logs (not snippets) that are required.

If you provide link to a sample recording with teletext I can have a look make sure the issue isn't related to the bad video configuration your snippet indicates.

For North American enabling closed captioning is relatively hidden in Kodi but if you search the wiki you should find out how to enable it.

As a work a round use Tvheadend as backend ( tvh does som ”muxing” before sending to Kodi . Subtitle works on live tv and recordings👍
Bad advise but it is hard to avoid hearing from TVHeadend fanboys.   Subtitles etc do work with NextPVR and Kodi and closed captioning would need to be enabled with TVHeadend too.

Teletext is quiet different

Thanks for your answers. I'll send you a record as soon as possible.
OK great.  When you post it let me know what default Teletext page # you prefer.

Hi again,

a few days ago I recorded several minutes from a live TV program. Next I tried to play in several players and PCs but I noted that there's no teletext nor closed captions. I think that NextPVR is the "blame" but I cannot find any clue to say this ...
I'm trying to upload a piece of recordings to this post but I've tried to play in VLC: it plays fine but there's no teletext nor closed captions.

As I posted NextPVR captures the entire transport stream as output from libdvb.  I don't really want an attached "piece", I will need at least one minute of a broadcast that you feel should have teletext included.  You should be able to able to use Google Drive OneDrive and provide a link or there are sites like which allow large transfers.   Just start a recording and cancel it after one or two minutes.

This is a sample recording: is the link from my Google Drive:

I hope it helps. Thanks.
Sorry, I pasted bad. Next the correct:
Thanks,  it's too short a sample for real testing, but I am not seeing any data for telextext page 202 (you never answered what page you want) or the 2 DVB subtitle tracks.

|  0x00CA  Teletext (spa, qaa, Initial Teletext page, Te  C            0 b/s  |
|  0x019B  Subtitles (spa, DVB subtitles, high definitio  C            0 b/s  |
|  0x019C  Subtitles (qaa, DVB subtitles, high definitio  C            0 b/s  |

Are you confident that this show has data?

Yes, I recorded with Kodi from NextPVR recordings. Teletext is enabled in Kodi and as you said NPVR passes all the data stream. Am I missing something?

I'm recording at least 10 min and I'm uploading again.

Thanks again.
Again ... Althought I'm still watching nor teletext nor closed captions ... I don't know ... Is there any setting on NPVR I'm missing?
Yes still no subtitle or teletext data in the stream just video and audio, this show has descriptive audio. Probably best open a post of the NextPVR forum with the NextPVR logs so sub the author of NextPVR can participate.  Personaly I'd like to see a full mux capture just to see what is there but that kind of support is out of scope here on the Kodi forum and better on the NextPVR forum.

And no there is nothing to configure in NextPVR since it just passes of the data that the Linux library provides and there are no errors in the stream itself.

I'll try other ways to solve the issue.

Thank you very much for your help.


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Teletext doesn't work in live TV0