Solved VLC External Player Almost Working
Can anyone see an error in my xml file?

I get the play using menu entry in Kodi, when i hit it vlc is listed as an option, when i press nothing happens!

<player name="vlc" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
<filename>"C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe"</filename>
<args>"{1}" /fullscreen /close</args>
<rules action="prepend">
<rule filetypes="mkv" filename=".*720p.*" player="Media File Player"/>
Don't have experience with this, but shouldn't your args be something like
--fullscreen vlc://quit

scott s.
From the wiki External players (wiki) try this.
    <player name="VLC" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">
      <filename>C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe</filename>
      <args>--fullscreen "{1}"</args>
  <rules action="prepend">
    <rule video="true" player="VLC"/>
Thanks Pat, works perfectly.
Thread marked solved.
Only problem is,This has made VLC the default player.

How may I edit the XML To make it an optional player?, As this stops the youtube add-on working.

Have googled but can't find the answer!
Answered here.

Looks like everything is working correctly and all videos are using VLC as per playercorefactory rules. External players (wiki) (wiki) to get the 'play using' in the context menu, you would have define other players which would include the native Kodi player. Have a look at the support thread & wiki for more ideas
I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make an xml that keeps video player as default but that adds vlc as an option. Can some kind soul post an xml please? I promise I’ll back it up! I’ve done this before as well!
I don't see what is so wrong with the default Kodi player, that everyone is in a rush to replace it with a 3rd party player. There are a few fanatics who insist that one player or another has this or that advantage on their specific hardware, or utilize a codex that isn't present in Kodi ( I get that ) but this is community software, and if you see shortfalls in the present configuration, put in a post for a feature request and help us make Kodi stronger, better for everyone. If you're a power user and just want all players at hand, then I've posted the wiki and support links (and there is a lot of representative samples). Don't expect me to provide work-round effort for what you have decided as insufficiency in Kodi. Kodi is a work in progress, and you can bet all aspects are going to improve with or without you, (you are either part of the problem or part of the solution) and I personally like the direction it's headed.

Don't post in a solved thread, if you still have issues - create a new post.

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