v20 Texturecache throws warning - is there an update?
For years I have been using the amazing TextureCache Maintenance utility released by Milhouse in 2013. On Github I see it hasn't been updated for about 4 years now. Which is fine because there was nothing to fix or improve.

However, on my Kodi Matrix install (soon to be upgraded) texturecache now throws a warning:

texturecache.py:4861: DeprecationWarning: setDaemon() is deprecated, set the daemon attribute instead

Is this easily fixable for someone without any knowledge of Python? How serious is it? Is this likely to become a problem in the future? Is texturecache still being maintained?

Questions, questions... Smile

// FvW
May the fork be with you:

Project-Kodi / texturecache.py

Milhouse seems to be retired.

Hello, I wrote a Windows bat file that created a simple selection menu.
This is how the Texturecache.py/.exe script can be executed for inexperienced people.

- The texture cache.cfg needs to be adjusted!
- Python does not need to be installed separately, texturcache.exe includes everything you need.


Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Projec...heTool.zip
Info page, also texturecache.py + exe for download including information: https://project-kodi.github.io/texturecache.py/

I also wrote an addon with which you can operate the whole thing in Kodi yourself.

Repository: https://Project-Kodi.github.io/
Addon: plugin.program.tctgui



ich habe eine Windows Bat Datei geschrieben, die ein simples Auswahl Menü erstellt.
So lässt sich das Texturecache.py/.exe Script auf für ungeübte ausführen.

- Die texturecache.cfg muss angepasst werden!
- Python muss nicht extra installiert werden, texturecache.exe beinhaltet alles notwendige.


Download: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Projec...heTool.zip
Info Seite, auch texturecache.py + exe zum download inklusive Informationen: https://project-kodi.github.io/texturecache.py/

Ich habe auch ein Addon geschrieben, womit man das Ganze in Kodi selbst bedienen kann.

Repository: https://Project-Kodi.github.io/
Addon: plugin.program.tctgui
(2024-06-10, 18:49)HotShottt Wrote: May the fork be with you:

Project-Kodi / texturecache.py

Milhouse seems to be retired.
Sir, I salute you. Thank you!!!

// FvW
(2024-06-11, 12:17)peter0123 Wrote: Hello, I wrote a Windows bat file that created a simple selection menu.
I don't use Windows as a platform to run services on, I only fire it up in a virtual machine if I absolutely need an app that is only available for Windows. That said, thank you - Windows users might benefit from it, so kudos for publishing it here! Perhaps this should be in the Wiki as well.

// FvW
(2024-06-11, 18:15)frankvw Wrote:
(2024-06-11, 12:17)peter0123 Wrote: Hello, I wrote a Windows bat file that created a simple selection menu.
I don't use Windows as a platform to run services on, I only fire it up in a virtual machine if I absolutely need an app that is only available for Windows. That said, thank you - Windows users might benefit from it, so kudos for publishing it here! Perhaps this should be in the Wiki as well.

// FvW

might be of interest... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/25293
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(2024-06-14, 22:57)Karellen Wrote: might be of interest... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/25293

Interesting indeed! I'm sure there are reasons why texturecache content couldn't just be removed upon deletion of content from the media library all along; to me it would go without saying that if a content item is removed from the video database the texture cache content would be purged as well if there's no other video database item linking to it. But the fact that this isn't "just done" suggests that this is far less simple than I imagine, and that there are good reasons for not "just doing that". Smile  But a texturecache-py like background process will be a major step forward when it comes to removing accumulated texturecache crud.

So this is already in Omega? I haven't found it mentioned in any of the "new features" lists.

// FvW
(2024-06-15, 11:13)frankvw Wrote: So this is already in Omega? I haven't found it mentioned in any of the "new features" lists.
Kodi v22
You should also check this addon... https://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=369984
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Texturecache throws warning - is there an update?0