iOS Official Kodi Remote | Can't find Scan/Clean Library options
I have updated my iOS Official Kodi Remote to 1.15. Previously, once you had connected, you could swipe to the left and it had options to Scan items to library, clean library options. Now, it's not available. Even from the Remote Control tab, and after wiping left, you're left with an empty view where you have to add Custom Buttons. Where have the Scan/Clean options moved to?
This has been unified for iPhone and iPad and is (still) reachable via the Power button.

Edit: On iPhone this can now be reached from NowPlaying and Remote screen as well w/o the need to move back to the server list.
I'm attaching two screenshots. One with the Now Playing view and one with Swipe Left on the Now Playing view. In neither can I find Scan to Library or Clean Library options.
(2024-06-27, 07:07)Buschel Wrote: reachable via the Power button.

Thank you!  Laugh
Welcome 👍

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Official Kodi Remote | Can't find Scan/Clean Library options0