Linux Kore and Yatse won't connect to Kodi
Using Debian testing on a fresh install (Kore used to connect before, but oddly now won't)

Settings are as follows:
inet  netmask  broadcast
(phone also has same subnet)

Zeroconf = Enabled

Allow remote control via HTTP = Enabled
Port = 8080
Username = kodi
Enable SSL = Disabled

Allow remote control from application on this system = enabled
Allow remote control from applications on other systems = enabled

Didn't work without ufw installed, didn't work with it installed - no difference. I wrote an allow rule for traffic between phone and kodi. No difference.

Very occasionally, I can part-load the webinterface from the Kodi machine, but nothing works and I can't click anything, and usually it doesn't connect at all.

What am I missing!?

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Kore and Yatse won't connect to Kodi0