Any way to have kodi follow what you give for the nfo for tv show and actor?
I notice when you add a tv shwo and epiosde it carries over the tv show actors into the episodes when you do an nfo is there a way you can make it so it follows the nfo so when you add a show onto kodi it will show the tv show actors like it should but then for the episode it will only show the acotrs that were in taht episode like you have on the nfo instead of it carrying over the actors from the main tv shwo into the episode since very annoying when you do the a show example Spongebob squarepants and it shows 5 main cast members then when you add an episode using an nfo it shows only 2 of the main cast memebers and 4 other actors/roles. Then it carries over the rest of the main cast members after the episode actors is their a way to fix that?
(2024-08-24, 07:15)kolbdog32 Wrote: is there a way you can make it so it follows the nfo so when you add a show onto kodi it will show the tv show actors like it should but then for the episode it will only show the acotrs that were in taht episode like you have on the nfo instead of it carrying over the actors from the main tv shwo into the episode
It is also annoying for Doctor Who, when you have all the Doctors and their companions showing up for a single episode.
Unfortunately there is no way to change that behaviour. Even deleting all the main TV Show actors from the nfo file won't help as Kodi then appends them once scanned into the library.

A setting "Show TV show actors in episodes" would be nice...
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(2024-08-24, 09:21)Karellen Wrote: A setting "Show TV show actors in episodes" would be nice...
Thanks anyways guess for tvshow.nfo i will just have to add actors that appeared in every episode so wont carry over to the actual episode itself then in the actual episode nfo i can do all the actors and their role for the episode. Even though be nice if it doesjnt carry over if you have the actors and roles in the main tv show nfo i will hjave to do a work around so its the way i wnat it to be for the show itself and episode.

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Any way to have kodi follow what you give for the nfo for tv show and actor?0