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Solved Two HDD, TV/Movies don't appear/conflict
Hi, I've been using Kodi with Ubuntu on a Dell Wyse 5070.

I just installed a second 4TB HDD (both are USB 3.0) and I added the TV/Movie folders as sources through the Media menu. Now Kodi won't display all the shows and movies anymore.

Each time I try to update the library, it may catch one more show, but the others still do not appear. Some folders with MKV files in them show up empty inside Kodi

It's a desktop PC, so I don't think it's a power issue, but now I'm not so sure.

Any help would be really great, thank you
I have an update, sorry for extra post
I bought a USB 3.0 hub, but that didn't change anything. I put the drive into Windows and it said the drive had errors and fixed them

I don't know why the drive got errors, but now everything is working as it should
Thread marked solved.

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Two HDD, TV/Movies don't appear/conflict0