DVBViewer Client couldn't be installed
I installed Kodi 21.1 on a new Fire-TV 4k.
I'm restored the data of my shield Kodi.
Everything works, except PVR. I'm not able to get the DVBViwer Client installed.
It was restored, but not activated.
Tried different versions from github pvr.dvbviewer/releases
Error message in Debug Log:
Kodi Debug-log:
error <general>: CAddonInstallJob[pvr.dvbviewer]: invalid package special://home/addons/packages/pvr.dvbviewer-21.1.2.zip

Other PVR Clients couldn't be installed, too.
Has anybody a solution for this problem?
Those are source code releases. There's no binary included.

All PVRs are available from the official Kodi addon repository. There's no need for any external zip.
This problem is solved.
I tried to install the dvb-viewer addon again and no errro came up.

Sorry, that I didn't answer earlier.

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DVBViewer Client couldn't be installed0