Change default view
Thank you for Bello 10. I'm upgrading from an old version of kodi. In the addon I am using (Spotify), the Bello view is optimal. Unfortunately List view is default and even if I select Bello view, List remains default for every album that hasn't been specifically changed.
I tried deleting viewmodes6.db and changing the the following line in myvideonav.xml:

<defaultcontrol always="true">50</defaultcontrol>

<defaultcontrol always="true">66</defaultcontrol>

However List continues to be the default. What am I missing?
ListView is the default view for all media. To change this you need to change a lot of parts of the code.

In any case, if you set a view for a specific content type (movies, albums, songs etc) Kodi will remember that choice and will show the same content with the last view you have chosen.

This is not happening in your case because the addon that you using doesn't set the proper content type for each media type.

I dont see any spotify addon in the official repo to check it but i am pretty sure that's the reason.


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Change default view0