Video Versions and a gliche?
I'm getting comfortable with video versions (but I keep most alt versions in the extras folder and manually path them in the manager). I guess I have a fairly customized set up with nodes & smart playlists. Pursuing some of my deadwood, backspace in & out of various library collections (I think, I was tired), I ran into the usual pick a category defualt page.. (without my customization's) but at the bottom it had an icon for 'Versions' a bit surprised, I opened it to find versions listing, clicked on Imax.. and all my Imax opened in view... backed-out and tried others, yup they all showed. With this I promptly decided to use this easy to use versions as a sneaky way to categorize.. oops, forgot to favourite the versions icon, and have been unable to every find it again!

Did I discover a new way to categorize? or was this just a gliche. If it's on the table... where can I change version selections, so I can add e.g. colorized or B&W etc. (edit)  Never mind found it in the manager.
Sounds like it’s just the versions section of the video library.

You should be able to use it to open a particular version section if you know the path.

Something like
ActivateWindow(Videos,videos://movies/videoversions/SOME NUMBER i.e. 40408 is for Special Edition on my system,return)

EDIT: Should also be able to get there using the Library Nodes section of the video library in the menu customizer.
(2024-09-15, 19:34)mikeSiLVO Wrote: Sounds like it’s just the versions section of the video library.
Got it... not sure this will be a reliable sorting method, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Got the 'Versions' manager up with selection of versions, using nodes but it doesn't populate the listings as the gliche did. Clicking on ony of the Versions brings up nadda. A look at the node .xml and it's being handled as a folder with the ID 40432 (4K).

This worked for me as a listing in Favourites to put a Versions access point.

<favourite name="Versions">ActivateWindow(10025,"videodb://movies/videoversions/",return)</favourite>

And this for a Version labeled 'IMAX'

<favourite name="IMAX">ActivateWindow(10025,"videodb://movies/videoversions/40819/",return)</favourite>

Now I'm just looking for a method to change all those folder images, into icons of purpose.
I was curious if it's possible to get Video Versions added as an option in the "Choose Rule Type" menu when creating a smartplaylist? I'd like to crate a playlist for various versions of videos.


PS. let em know if I need to create a new thread to get assistance for this functionality question.
(2024-12-06, 04:49)OnyxCody Wrote: if it's possible to get Video Versions added as an option in the "Choose Rule Type" menu when creating a smartplaylist
In progress...
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(2024-12-06, 05:39)Karellen Wrote: In progress...
Thanks for the link to the existing pull request. After reading through the request, it appears that it'll only add the option to add a "true"/"false" boolean rule field for Video Versions and Video Extras. I would like that to be expanded to have the option of selecting from following operators ("is", "is not", "contains", "does not contain", "starts with", and "ends with"). That provides much more control over how you can filter which Video Versions you want (or don't want) in your playlists versus just if it has Video Versions or not.

A video is either a version or it isn't - it can't contain, start with, or end with a version.
In addition, add a second rule.
Is video version
Genre is Science Fiction
(must match both rules)
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How about:

Video Version is colourized
Genre is Sci-Fi

(must match all rules)
(2024-12-07, 00:42)Hitcher Wrote: A video is either a version or it isn't - it can't contain, start with, or end with a version.
The reason for the desired expansion is so that I can make a smartplaylist where I can set the Video Versions related rule "hasversions" to "true", and then also have another Video Versions related rule perhaps named "versions" to "contains" "Director's Cut", and it be set to meet both rules so that I could create a smartplaylist of only the Director's Cut versions of various movies. Hopefully that better explains the concept of what I'd like to be able to capture. Then I would  also have the ability, depending on the skin being used (like the awesome Aeon Nox: Silvo), to set that smartplaylist as a menu item for even further customization options.

I think this would be a very cool future enhancement of the usage of the new Video Versions functionality to better customize how you want to view and play certain versions within a playlist.
You're missing my point. The rule 'Has video versions' is a boolean, which means it can only be true or false.

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