Bug Seeking doesn't work correctly for catchup streamsusing IPTV Simple Client & EPG
Hello, I'm trying to fix my IPTV Simple Client when playing catchup stream. My provider fully supports catchup streams except when I use seeking in them. When I seek then the stream works for few seconds, then it freezes and jumps to the current LIVE position. Is there someone facing the same problem? If I try to play the catchup .m3u8 stream in browser in Google chrome it works perfectly and I can even seek.

I can provide logs, m3u playlist in few hours.
If you have inputstream.ffmpegdirect addon earlier than 20.5.1 this might be the problem.
Maintainer of Kodi from Debian | Got an issue with Kodi from Debian? Report it here: Kodi from Debian - Support Thread
I have latest version of inputstream ffmpegdirect 21.3.5
Do you have a full debug log of when you seek? (Please use a paste site for the logs).

Also an example M3U entry, feel free to obfuscate any URLs.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here

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Seeking doesn't work correctly for catchup streamsusing IPTV Simple Client & EPG0