CU LRC Lyrics displays #39; instead of '
As title.

How can I fix it?
Are you certain that the lyric file itself is not the problem? That's the HTML code for the single quote, as you mentioned. I've set my own library up to use the common characters seen on a US keyboard rather than the typographically correct equivalent such as
to avoid problems like this myself with consistent success. I will also mention I try to avoid as much punctuation as possible in my .lrc files, as well as all special characters, but that's simply for compatibility and personal preference reasons as the fonts used in the add-on seem to have support for all of them found on a keyboard, but you never know when some cheeky bugger slips this in somewhere
instead of this
or even worse, a non-breaking space control character that you'll never even see with the naked eye, but before I digress even further…

I would inspect the .lrc or .txt file containing the lyrics in question and see if maybe whoever submitted them or whatever site hosted them did not have it written to be encoded for viewing on a "website.html" as that may very well how that mixup happened, going from html to a plan text format or vice versa.

Hope this helps, as I'm no developer and am a bit of a novice when it comes to something like this, but this is where I would start my investigation into it. 🧐

just thought of this before hitting send, but you are referring to the lyrics within the file itself, and not the title of the filename, correct? either way, you can just change the filename to match that of your audio file and problem solved, or at least I think it is. 😎

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CU LRC Lyrics displays #39; instead of '0