Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
1080p or 4k: either or, but not both!

I have an issue that keeps coming back to haunt me, it always seems fixed but then it returns. Hoping y'all are able to help me 🙏

- Hardware: Rapberry PI 4B (4GB)
- TV: Samsung Q60t (65" 4k)

a) I see stuttering in 1080p playback, which I can kinda solve by whitelisting the 1080p resolution/framerates.
b) if I do the above, I break high-bitrate 4k playback, and I have no idea why!

When either works, they work flawlessly. Full size blueray remuxes with HDR + Atmos are fine without the pi breaking much of a sweat.

I have played the same file I've used in the logs below recently, without any problems. Same situation with other known good material.

Here is a solid debug info dump, including:
- debug logs from a garbled 4k playback
- modeinfo
- mediainfo for the 4k file
- kodi settings
- a config diff that broke 4k but made all 1080p stutter free

Any help would be hugely appreciated 🙏 Let me know if there is any other information that is needed to get to the bottom of this!
(2024-10-16, 22:06)m0ar Wrote: - OS: OSMC

osmc does their own support
Fair enough; I'll post there as well.

I'd be surprised if this issue is related to the OS tbh, as I've had the same issues running on raspbian previously.

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1080p or 4k: either or, but not both!0