Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[Problem] Scraper release/premier date incorrect

I have been getting annoying problem with ember scraping the release/premier date incorrectly.

Basically I want it to scrape the original first release/premier date 
but instead ember is scraping the release/premier date in my country rather the whatever country that it was first released/premier in.

This results in incorrect folder rename that does not match date of the imdb or other movie info sites..

Dawn of the Dead (1978)

It is scraping data and renaming the folder year as something else rather than 1978 to some other date e.g. Dawn of the Dead (1981)

The scrapers I have enabled are
premier date (enabled)
premier date (enabled)

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[Problem] Scraper release/premier date incorrect0