Problem with 'Same Director' button on Video Info Dialog
I noticed a couple of nights ago after watching a movie directed by Mel Gibson that when I selected the 'Same Director' button on the Video Info Dialog, that whilst I did seem to get the movies he had directed, I also got all the movies he had starred in, but wasn't the director.

This same behaviour was observed when I used this button on movies that Clint Eastwood and Sean Penn had directed, ie I also got included the many films they had starred in, but didn't direct.

I'm not sure if this is actually a bug, because I was using Nexus, so its possible the problem has already been identified previously and fixed in Omega or Piers.
Just thought it worth mentioning, if somebody wants to check it out on Omega or Piers.
I actually meant to post the above in the Estuary Bug Reports thread.
Grateful if a MOD could move this over.
That's just the info that gets.
Wouldn't you have to have that script installed first? 
Which I don't.
My mistake, I was checking the code for this button:


So the 'Same director' button must search for movies where the director is listed - either as the director or in the cast.
No problem.
Then the label for the bottom button feels a little ambiguous then IMO. 
I mean, if I see a button stating 'Same Director' I personally would only expect to get results returned for the movies they had directed, not what they had starred in as well. Did you try looking up Clint or Mel on your own library?

Is it worth raising it as an issue on GitHub, or just leave it?

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Problem with 'Same Director' button on Video Info Dialog0