Path as genre
Don't quite know in which forum to ask this (new feature, Python scripts) so, please move if this is not the appropiate forum :o

I’ve got this 1TB hard drive which contains lots of movies and are categorized in folders by genre, like this:

Action & Thriller\
Science Fiction\

Each genre contains movies in subfolders:


This is an nice way for the wife and kids to find a particular movie in the NON library mode.

The Library mode does provide more movie information at one glance and generally looks better, but it becomes much more confusing for them to find a move because the scraper add subgenres like Action / Drama / Thriller and subsequently adds a large number of genres in the genre view (which I like to make the default view).

For them to find a cartoon, they have to decide if it’s a comedy or an action movie and then find it in a huge list. Whereas in the non library mode they only had to choose the genre (caroons) and do a bit of scrolling.

To make a long story short. Is there a way to have the IMDB scraper use the movies’ genre folder for the genre tag, instead of the data that’s collected from IMDB.

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Path as genre0