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a 4k video question
right now, i'm working on pasting audio files to the video after cleaning some audio files to get the sound much leavel.
Can you compress the size of a 4K Video.
(Yesterday, 09:38)general79 Wrote: Can you compress the size of a 4K Video.
Most video file already have some compression, I suppose you can re-compress even more, but there will be consequences in sample quality. More compression means the unpacking will be slower (to the point that some systems will not be able to handle this speed) and in the encode there will be losses in quality. Check out the program Handbrake Supplemental tools (wiki)
THe video files never been compressed. every time that i get a dvd of a movie/ tv show, a go ahead and rip it to the computer. So they aren't compress, just rip and stored in 720x480 on a external desktop drive. just had the thought of looking in on 4K and then compressed the size without losing quality.

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