Playing locally from a distant kodi server without UPnP
Not sure it is the correct place, but I couldn't manage to find the answer on the net, so here I am.
My Kodi setup is an (old) NAS hosting my media files and a raspberry pi box with libreelec (kodi 21) installed and accessing the NAS storage (and connected to my tv through hdmi).
I'd like to play (mainly music, actually) locally, on a desktop or laptop computer, through my kodi setup (using kodi playlists)
I understand this can be achieved with DLNA/UPnPbut I'd like to do it without dlna for security reasons/constraints. Is it possible ? I saw it works with the web interface Chorus2, so I'm guessing there might be a trick with a specific url/mrl (and json-rpc for remote control), but I'd like a dedicated media player instead of firefox.
If it is not possible, I'd greatly appreciate if you can point me to UPnP light and well-Kodi-compliant players on windows and linux, and how-to about securing this
(2024-11-07, 10:21)geogiraux Wrote: I'd like to play (mainly music, actually) locally, on a desktop or laptop computer, through my kodi setup (using kodi playlists)
You mean on a device other than the one Kodi is installed on?
If you want to use Kodi as the player, then Kodi needs to be installed on the device.
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what you're trying to achieve isn't feasible

kodi is not a media server and neither is libreelec so you need to install a media server
however, any media server i could recommend expressly states not to run them on a raspberry pi because it doesn't have enough resources to run a media server
and they can't be installed under libreelec even if not

upnp and dlna are about as close as you can get to serving anything from kodi but these protocols cannot be properly secured over the internet


since this is for music then the only thing i could actually recommend is setting up a YouTube Music account and uploading your music to youtube for it to serve for you
(2024-11-07, 16:07)izprtxqkft Wrote: upnp and dlna are about as close as you can get to serving anything from kodi but these protocols cannot be properly secured over the internet

Typically a UPnP / DLNA server over the Internet leverages HTTP(s) as the underlying transport and session layer protocols and don't attempt to leverage UPnP as the transport and DLNA as the session layer transports on the Internet (there are a myriad of reasons why this wouldn't work).  and thus looks like a normal webserver where the standard set of controls  can be applied (i.e. TLS Cert, various auth methods, NGinx Reverse proxy etc..). 

However, having said that, running a webserver on the Internet even with the most robust set of controls and best practices  is a very risky proposition, especially if you don't have the experience.  I've been doing Cybersecurity for 25+ years for some large multinationals and have seen the firsthand devastation of how badly things can go, even with experienced teams and sophisticated technology.  I just spent the past 30 minutes blocking attempts to my personal webserver from some well motivated folks from the China Telecom network.


Running with the Mezzmo Kodi addon.  The easier way to share your media with multiple Kodi clients.
Service.autostop , Kodi Selective Cleaner and Mezzmo Kodi addon author.
Yes, I want to play music on a device where Kodi is not installed. My goal is to have only one library at home, for sharing ratings for instance, and don't bother with differents id3 tags implementations. I precise I'm trying this only on my local network/LAN, not over the "whole" internet !
Thanks everyone for your answers, I'll stay for now with my web browser and the Chorus interface

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Playing locally from a distant kodi server without UPnP0