The Settings menu within video playback is empty
Hi all,

I'm stuck at finding a reason and a remedy for an empty settings menu when a video is playing.
The menu Settings in video playback is empty, it only consists of the settings-menu title, with the "cross" to close it, but without any characters:
The entries vanished a few weeks ago, did not pay much attention to it, since I thought it'll resolve within a few days. But now it starts bugging me.
I'm using the latest git version: "Starting Kodi (22.0-ALPHA1 (21.90.700) Git:20241113-8d81e7a847). Platform: Linux x86 64-bit"

Does anyone have a clue how to get it back?

Thanks and best regards,
Try again with tomorrows nightly build as this has been reworked.
Thanks a lot Hitcher for your hint to the Merge Request.
It seems, as if there's more ongoing, because the new Stream Selection menu empty since that merge, too.
I'll just keep waiting - or, if it's bothering me really too much, I'll return to the latest stable revision Big Grin

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The Settings menu within video playback is empty0