v21 Media stub plays wrong movie

I burned three different movies to a disc and created the appropriate .disc and .nfo files for each.
However, when I try to play any of them through Kodi v21.1, it starts playing the first (alphabetically) from the disc, regardless of my choice.

If I remember correctly, it worked fine 10 years ago when I tried the same disc with the Kodi Windows version of that period.
Are media stubs now restricted to one movie per disc?
3 movies on the same disk.
Kodi would not know where each movie starts and ends on the disk.

For episodes, you could create Episode Bookmarks... https://kodi.wiki/view/Bookmarks_and_chapters
But I've never tried that for movies. Not sure if it works there.
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Episode bookmarks only work on episodes where you want a set resume point within a single video file, but from a quick run through the code it seems like only music CDs have the ability to create a playlist from the disc.  Though I'm no C++ guru so could be missing something.

scott s.
(2024-11-25, 11:09)Saxtus Wrote: If I remember correctly, it worked fine 10 years ago
If the disk had a menu that played e.g. 3 Stooges, you could pick an episode and it would jump to the exact one even if you have ripped the disk menu intact. Without that menu but in file mode, you could play out of sequence from file listing. There may have been an add-on that would make a menu for multiples..it's would be pretty dusty at this point. Don't recall at time in which you where presented a choice without a menu.

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Media stub plays wrong movie0