Problem with embedded metadata
Hello Kodi Team,

I have been using this great software for years to manage my video library of 400+ movies.
I am upgrading my configuration from version 19.5 Windows to 21.1 Windows and Android TV. All my movies are in .mkv format with the .nfo file renamed kodi-metadata and possibly cover.jpg embedded. I notice that Kodi in versions 21.1 no longer fetches this information.

Would you be able to restore this functionality because manually extracting this information from each file would be a huge job for me.

Thanks in advance!
Best regards
(2024-11-26, 16:31)foudebassan Wrote: movies are in .mkv format with the .nfo file renamed kodi-metadata and possibly cover.jpg
Kodi hasn't changed how the meta-data is handled in any substantial way. The renaming of the .nfo file is somewhat troublesome, are you using 3rd party software to create the meta-data? Suggest on your windows system prior to upgrading Kodi (and hoping that you have all your movies in folders of the same name) , that you export your library to separate files. This action will put the covers in that movie folder as Movie_Name-poster.jpg, Movie_Name-fanart, Movie_Name.nfo which can be imported locally into the next iteration of Kodi whatever platform by just allocating the sources. Note: Adding video sources (wiki)
Thank you PatK for your quick response.

There was indeed a change between 19.5 and 21.1 concerning the recovery of metadata: the 19.5 program analyzed "kodi-metadata" which was encapsulated in the .mkv file while 21.1 no longer does so.

I started looking at your solution, fortunately I have several PCs including one with 19.5 under WIN10-64bits and I find myself facing another problem, even more annoying:
My old configuration was 19.5 under WIN7-64bits and the new one is 21.1 under WIN10-64bits.
I note that 19.5 and 21.1 under WIN10-64bits no longer give access to a USB input to create a library while the USB key is clearly identified in KODI.

So I am completely stuck, thank you for your help.
(2024-11-26, 20:42)foudebassan Wrote: kodi-metadata" which was encapsulated in the .mkv file
You need to enable this setting, if the metadata is embedded in the mkv file...
Though I would rather just use nfo files instead of embedded tags. nfo files can contain a lot more info.
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I found it. For a USB input there is a subtlety that had escaped me: the reader does not appear spontaneously like internal disks, you have to type the letter of the Windows drive ie F:\

I come back to my original point: the 19.5 program analyzed "kodi-metadata" file which was encapsulated in the .mkv file while 21.1 no longer does so.
Do you think it is possible to restore this operation?
(2024-11-26, 21:16)foudebassan Wrote: I come back to my original point: the 19.5 program analyzed "kodi-metadata" file which was encapsulated in the .mkv file while 21.1 no longer does so.
And did you do anything with my response to your question?
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Of course Karellen, I knew it but I had forgotten it! It's OK now.

I take advantage of your expertise for another subject: I can't get Catch-Up to work properly.
I have a message "starting the video recorder manager" that remains eternally stuck at 0 and nothing is displayed. I installed/uninstalled several times, with the stable channel or the beta, without improvement.
(2024-11-26, 21:52)foudebassan Wrote: I can't get Catch-Up to work properly.
Sorry, I don't use that addon, so I know very little about it.
Best that you ask in the thread for that addon.
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OK, thanks a lot

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Problem with embedded metadata0