Kodi 21 with Android 11 TV Box Issue
Hi, I upgraded my tv box to Zidoo z9x Pro whis is running Android 11.  Kodi 20 Nexus works fine.  If I install Kodi 21, I cannot access my USB drive that has all my videos and music.  Kodi sees the drive as "My Passport" which is normal but when i click it nothing happens or i get 'path not found or invalid"  I have Kodi permissions set correctly in Android settings. I did not have this issue with Kodi 21 when I was using Android 9. Can someone please help with this?
Nobody has run into this problem?
>>>sry will move this to a separate new thread, does not seem to be related...<<<

Perhaps related: as of this morning, Kodi can no longer access the file system of my Android 11 Box (Nokia 8010).

Yesterday everything worked fine. Today the box prompted that Kodi would need permissions for the filesystem (which it already had, and no Android update or such seems to have ocurred overnight), and I noticed that Kodi app's data size was very small, just like after a first install).

Deleted and reinstalled it (my preferred version is 20.3, but also tried with 20.5, and also the current 21 version both via Appstore and Sideload).

During first install I allowed file system access, although when checking the app details afterwards it does not seem to have stuck. So I allowed it again via the file settings.

But Kodi does not create the usual file structure during it's first run! The kodi folder on the Android device stays empty. WTF :-(
Romanes eunt domus
Hi, found this thread via Google search. Same box (Nokia 8010) same (I think) problem - as of this morning Kodi does not start. Any ideas what to do anyone, please?
I also have a Nokia 8010 TV box and yesterday Kodi automatically updated to the latest version and it couldn't update it correctly (I don't understand why). It asked me for permissions for the filesystem, I set them correctly, it continued with the update and suddenly it closed and I have not been able to access it anymore, it turns off just by clicking on the icon.

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