mythtv pvr not getting channel or guide data
The channel and guide screens show no information at all on some, but not all kodi instances. In all cases, recordings do show up, and can be played back.

Non-working cases:
* Debian 12 with kodi and mythpvr from debian repository
* OSMC running on an rpi 2

Working cases:
* Debian 12 with flatpak kodi
* OSMC on an rpi 4
* Android with kodi from google play

The backend is running on a debian 12 server, installed from .debs that I built from source.
Version information for the backend is as follows:
    mythbackend --version
     Please attach all output as a file in bug reports.
   MythTV Version : v34.0+fixes.20250113.83f01662-0ubuntu0
   MythTV Branch : fixes/34
  Network Protocol : 91
  Library API : 34.20220913-1
 QT Version : 5.15.8
  Options compiled in:
 linux profile use_hidesyms using_alsa using_oss using_pulse using_pulseoutput using_backend using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_dvb using_firewire using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_satip using_vbox using_ceton using_joystick_menu using_libcec using_libcrypto using_gnutls using_libdns_sd using_libxml2 using_lirc using_mheg using_opengl using_egl using_qtwebkit using_qtscript using_qtdbus using_taglib using_v4l2 using_v4l2prime using_x11 using_system_libbluray using_system_libudfread using_systemd_notify using_systemd_journal using_drm using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_freetype2 using_mythtranscode using_opengl using_egl using_drm using_vaapi using_nvdec using_vdpau using_ffmpeg_threads using_mheg using_libass using_libxml2 using_libmp3lame

I should also mention that there are no issues with the official mythtv front end, nor with mythweb.

This may be coincidence, but this began around the time I did an "apt upgrade" on both the backend server and the debian 12 kodi host. The upgrade did not touch mythbackend.

Kodi debug log (debian 12, kodi from debian repo) is here:
ububoqisuv.kodi (paste)

Any suggestions?
Quick update.

Things I've tried:
* Purged kodi and kodi-pvr-mythtv and deleted ~/.kodi from the problematic debian 12 host. Reinstalled both from debian repo. No joy.
* Thinking it might be a network issue, I set up a temporary 2 node LAN with the debian 12 host running kodi and the debian 12 server running mythbackend. No joy.
* Thinking it might be a debian 12 issue on the client side, I fired up an old laptop running dbian 12, updated with apt, pointed the mythtv pvr to the mythbackend server, and everything
worked perfectly.

FWIW, neither of the two problematic clients are running software from questionable sources. The only thing on the problematic debian12 client that did not come from the debian repo is a mythtv frontend that I built from source. The problematic raspberry pi is running out-of-the-box osmc. Both of these systems were working fine until recently. As far as I can recall, nothing has changed except for a few software updates with apt.

I'm out of ideas Help!
Further investigation reveals that all failing clients are running pvr.mythtv version 20.3.x. All working clients are running a later version of pvr.mythtv. Curiously, all clients were working properly until a recent "apt upgrade" on the server,
even though that upgrade did not touch mythbackend directly.
Looks like the workaround is to use the flatpak kodi until debian pushes out an update.

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mythtv pvr not getting channel or guide data0