Can't watch TV on Kodi 21.1 Omega after replacing tuner
My Hauppauge USB Dual tuner died on me recently after years of service. I replaced it with a HDHomerun Flex Duo 2 tuner. I also had to upgrade to a faster PC but that's a story for another day. Anyhow, I was able to watch TV in the HDHomerun app, and also in MediaPortal.  But in Kodi when selecting a TV channel, I would get the hourglass for several seconds, then get kicked out to the channel menu. To fix this I downgraded to Kodi 18.8 Leia. Watching TV in Kodi went back to normal.   

Any ideas why I can watch TV in Kodi Leia but not Kodi Omega?

Not finding the edit button... so adding to my initial post:

I have Kodi running on various PCs and devices, not on the PC with MediaPortal.
I hadn't upgraded all devices to the latest Kodi. That's how I discovered Kodi Leia was working and Omega wasn't for TV watching. 💡

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Can't watch TV on Kodi 21.1 Omega after replacing tuner0