exclude content based on their rating
I do have a large library and want to exclude certain content for it.
Is there a way to exclude movies based on for example rating or year based on the metadata information?

I found a way to use regex to exclude files based on their names.

For example:


I am looking for a more advanced way to do this based on metadata?

Thank you
Do you want to remove the movies completely from the library, so Kodi does not know they exist, or do you just want to filter out and create specific library lists that show only certain movies?

(2025-01-16, 22:45)drjackel Wrote: Is there a way to exclude movies based on for example rating or year based on the metadata information?
check out Smart playlists (wiki)
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Thanks, smart playlist is a good hint but all content is still in the database. I wanted to keep the library small and filter them out on the very beginning but this can only be done with advanced settings and only based on the filename I assume since no other information is there.
I also assume its fine to have 10k in the DB and still keep it fast.

I had jellyfin acting as server in between but I prefer Kodi handling all

Thank you
(2025-01-16, 22:45)drjackel Wrote: Is there a way to exclude movies based on for example rating or year based on the metadata information?
No. The metadata needs to be in the library databases to be available to Kodi.

(2025-01-17, 00:45)drjackel Wrote: I wanted to keep the library small and filter them out on the very beginning
Then the easiest and simplest solution is to move them out of the Kodi Source folder.
Keep one folder for Kodi content, another folder for your other stuff.

Others will need to help you with formulating the advancedsetting entry if you still want to go that way, but it won't read embedded metadata.
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Not sure if this might work...

What about adding something to the filename and/or folder which contains the rating. For example "Alien-imdb_8_5" as a foldername. And then use https://kodi.wiki/view/Advancedsettings....defromscan with a matching regex?!

Sure...that's not from the metadata and needs manual work.

What might be easier is to create sources based on rating (if that's this important). In meaning having source folders looking like

"imdb_1_2" (which contains everything from 1.0 to 1.9)
"imdb_2_3" (which cotains everything from 2.0 to 2.9)

and so on. 

And then simply only add those sources to Kodi you want to be added. If a rating changes, you simply have to move the movie subfolder to another source and rescan. 

Not a real solution for your problem, but maybe a workaround Wink
thanks for both of your inputs. Adding the  rating should not be that tricky using a script but I think it would find all names since I am using german titles.
One last question, the folder structure is folder named as title and in the folder the movie with title. Kodi has no option to add a file which marks to ignore it to add it do DB.

Jellyfin has an option to put an .ignore file to do so.

But I havent found something similar for Kodi.

Thank you

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exclude content based on their rating0