Question on support for UPnP streaming of recordings
With the recent iOS Kodi Remote it is possible to trigger "Play using ..." items via a UPnP player. For PVR recordings the Player.Open command with correct UPnP options, Kodi is always starting the recording on the Kodi system itself -- in my case the recordings are kept on a VU+ Is playing recordings to a UPnP renderer generally not supported and will not be supported? In this case I would just remove this playback option from the remote.
Could you give some more detail? I don’t quite understand the problem.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
(2025-01-19, 22:04)phunkyfish Wrote: Could you give some more detail? I don’t quite understand the problem.
Sure, let me give an example. My PVR recordings are located on VU+ device and I can play them on the Kodi device.

When I am sending 
{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"Player.Open","params":{"item":{"recordingid":105},"options":{"playername":"KD-65A1"}}, "id":2}
whereas "KD-65A1" is a UPnP renderer (Smart TV) that can play videos. My expectation is that Kodi attempts to play the recording to the UPnP device, and in worst case fails. But instead, it directly starts to play the recording on the Kodi device.

Therefore, I wanted to ask, if recordings are in general supporting playing to UPnP devices (aka external players) or not.

Let me know, if you have further questions.
Hmmm, simple answer is that I’m not sure.

I know you can play recordings from PVR or as videos, but I don’t know if that’s semantically different as concerns the JSON API.

@ksooo may have some thoughts.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Quick update/additional info: On Kodi 21.2 it is possible to select "Play using..." for recordings in Kodi UI as well (via context menu). This does not play the recording to my TV either.

Two question still open:
1. Is playback of recordings to an external player generally supported, but just not working for the current file type / pvr plugin I use?
2. Will "Play using..." of recordings be supported / fixed or shall I just remove this option from the Remote App for recordings?

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Question on support for UPnP streaming of recordings0