No more colors in guide
About 2 weeks ago I noticed that all the colors had vanished from all programs in the guide. All shows on all channels now show grey. This is on a pi 5 running libreElec 12.0.1 with Kodi 21.1. I have tried clearing PVR data.

The interesting thing is Kodi on my Windows 11 PC from MS Store running 21.1 still has some colors even after clearing pvr data.

NextPVR Backend was just upgraded to from version 6 but this issue existed prior to the upgrade. I was hoping the upgrade would help.

Guide data is for Comcast Cable via schedules direct in US.

In some cases the Genre for the shows is not matching between clients. How can this be?

For example:
PGA Tour Golf - Windows 11 says "Sports" and is colored. This makes sense as the genre-mapping.xml file has an entry for sports. However, on the pi, the Genre is "Golf" and is grey. In npvr.db3 the genres for the episode is "Golf"
NCIS - Windows 11 and pi both say "Crime drama / Action / Adventure / Mystery" and are grey.
Will Trent - Windows 11 says "Movie / Drama" and is colored. The pi says "Crime Drama" and is grey. Again, this makes sense since "Movie / Drama" is in the genre-mapping.xml file and "Crime Drama" is not. npvr3.db has genres "Crime drama".

Perhaps this was caused by schedules direct changing to more specific genres? Is there any way to get it back or should I just update the genre-mapping.xml. I exported the list of genres from the DB and there are about 800 unique genres, half of which have less than 5 occurrences. Is there somewhere to get an updated file?

Thank you.
The text difference can be explained because the default for Kodi is to send the generic DVB genres so that they can be translated if necessary.  You can change that in setting by changing the setting to use the backend genre text. 

I am still investigating the lack of colours since it does work in Nexus.
"Use backend genre text" was enabled on LibreElec. Disabling that restored most of the colors on the pi and the two Kodi instances now match. There are still some grey but i assume that can be fixed using the procedure here:
I only now noticed colors missing for guide genres (kodi 21.2).
Backend (tvheadend in my case) does still show genre indicators. Hm..
(2025-01-21, 19:12)sbthomas Wrote: "Use backend genre text" was enabled on LibreElec. Disabling that restored most of the colors on the pi and the two Kodi instances now match. There are still some grey but i assume that can be fixed using the procedure here:

I am still trying to see if I can get the colours with the Scheduled Direct text showing like they did in Nexus.

If you do change the table could you post it on the NextPVR forum and we can review to see if we can update some settings.  I know for sports I didn't add colours to every sport because the sport channels were all blue and I wanted to find Live games.

I found the issue for custom genres in my last update, I wasn't setting the proper flag (GenreSubType) required to have colours and show custom genre strings from Schedules Direct.   There are builds you can test on various platforms here but there will be automatic updates after the various approvals have been made.

Thanks for the post.


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No more colors in guide0