Issues updating library
I just installed xbmc on my pc earlier this week for the first time. After tangling with some sound issues my playback is now working perfectly. But when i started setting up all my directories and attempting to update everything for the library i ran into some issues.

I am playing most of my files from an external hard drive that is hooked up via usb. I have a TV folder that contains 20 or so different files, none of them in folders(didn't see anything that said this would make a difference or not). I set the content for that folder to TV and have tried all the different query websites, but none of them seem to recognize any of my files names. They are all in the Name.Episode format(eg. weeds.301). From what i read in the wiki that naming convention should work.

I am at a loss of what to try next.

Your shows have to be in separate folders.

XBMC looks for the folders within your TV folder to get the names for the shows. It then looks within each show folder to find the individual files.

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Thanks for the quick response, that worked perfectly. Just had to remove the source and add it back in before it would update them all.

One more question, is there any way for the library to detect direct dvd or blu-ray copies that still have all the original directories?(eg. BDMV)

Thanks again for the quick replies.

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Issues updating library0