Missing musicdb file
I am very new to XBMC but I have to say I like it very much it looks great and appart from some minor things like using CPU rather then graphics hardware to play HD, and the fact that fetching anything like album info or movie info hangs XBMC controls (audio and movies keep going) until the script is done which seems a little unnecessary to me.

Anyway, a different issue is what bugged me till 02:00 last night. Huh
I add an album to my music library and for what ever reason unknown to me XBMC splits this into two identical albums putting two songs in a seperate album with the only difference that the name of the band has changed from 'The Killers' to 'Killers'

So after removing both albums from the library (I expected a simple button to do that but never mind...) and making sure that all ID3 tags where set correctly I added the same album again. No change. Sad

Then I figured I would simply edit the library by hand, and looked on the forums and the FAQ where this might be done, found that in %program files%\XBMC\userdata\database I should be able to locate a SQLite database file and edit this. To my big surprize only the videodb file was there the musicdb file in no where to be found. Eek

Could anyone point me to where I might be able to find this musicdb file so I can try and correct the problem there as I believe the problem stems not from the tags but from the source that is used to provide the album information, which is somehting that I cannot really change. Oo

I am using the WindowsXP beta version of XBMC
check album artist in itunes or tag&rename
idioteque Wrote:check album artist in itunes or tag&rename


I'll have another look at that when I get home but using Tag&Rename I am quite certain I set all the album and artist data to the same values for all somgs. But then again it must have been around midnight when I did this so who knows I might have messed it up. Nerd

I still would like to find the DB file though since it would make it possible to load a whole lot of data into the library a lot faster from a different media center... (I have some 200Gb of MP3's sitting on a harddrive and having to wait for all the data to be extracted via the normal process......)
You should be able to find the db's at...
"Users/(USERNAME)/Appdata/Xbmc/Database", i think.

This is definatley a tagging problem though, did you know an mp3 can hold several tags at the same time, one each of types, ID3v1, ID3V2 and APE. XBMC can read them all i think it's in this order.

1 - APE
2 - ID3v2
3 - ID3v1

I'd just delete the tag type i'm not using (APE and ID3v1, in my case) and make sure the "album artist" and Album name" fields match on every track in a given album.

Also "Album Artist" is different from just "Artist" incase you didn't relize that.

Ah, I didn't know there might be several tags used at the same time... thanks.

I'll get on that as soon as I am home, and I'll have a look at the XBMC source to figure out in the case XBMC finds more then one tag type used which one it uses.
I might depending on how brave I feel attempt to make that configurable in the advancedsettings.xml
You can already configure it so that ape tags are ignored in mp3's via advancedsettings.xml

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