Atlantis switches from Full Screen to Window
Hi There,

I am currently test driving XBMC ‘Atlantis’ Beta 1 running on Vista Ultimate X86 w/ GeForce 8800GTX graphics card and enough power in the CPU to keep the whole show running however I have a really quirky problem.

Whenever I stop a video or a video ends to return to the media selection screen XBMC will drop into windowed mode. I have to press '\' to get it back into full screen mode. As you can imagine this is a little irritating.

I have done my best to find a solution elsewhere and in this forum but so far I am at a loss. Also XBMC is running as admin (something I read somewhere else and fixed another problem).

Any insight would be greatly appreciated because this software is great.

EDIT: I am driving a 1920x1080 Flat Panel. Vista is set to this native resolution, XMBC obviously does what it wants with the res but I have tried in "Best Available" and "1920x1080" modes in settings.
Knew it would be something dumb that I missed (both in settings and forums). Thanks for the heads up!

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Atlantis switches from Full Screen to Window0