is possible to use xbox 360 wireless gamepad? (with usb dongle)
I have installed ms drivers but can be able to use xbmc with the xbox 360 gamepad
I have seen some documentation about using it on linux but nothing about windows

i have:
Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless controler for PC with usb dongle and drivers working on games
guidoxyz Wrote:I have installed ms drivers but can be able to use xbmc with the xbox 360 gamepad
I have seen some documentation about using it on linux but nothing about windows

i have:
Windows XP SP3
Microsoft Xbox 360 Wireless controler for PC with usb dongle and drivers working on games

with a few carefully crafted search terms, you'll probably find the windows instructions not that far away from where ever you found the linux ones Smile
Just do a search for "360" in this forum Rolleyes
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Gamester17 Wrote:Just do a search for "360" in this forum Rolleyes

Thanx bro i´ll do
guidoxyz Wrote:Thanx bro i´ll do

i used xpadder and everything works excelent, thanx to all

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is possible to use xbox 360 wireless gamepad? (with usb dongle)0