2008-11-26, 11:46
I try to tweak kinopoisk.ru scraper. But I have very little experience with scrapers. I cannot understand what I'm doing wrong - maybe someone can explain.
As I understood buffer $$1 holds cleaned filename something like "Die Hard (1988)"
And all what I try to do is regexp match on this string to split title and year.
My modified CreateSearchURL function:
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3" SearchStringEncoding="CP1251">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="http://www.kinopoisk.ru/index.php?level=7&from=forma&result=adv&m_act%5Bfrom%5D=forma&m_act%5Bwhat%5D=content&m_act%5Bfind%5D=\1&m_act%5Byear%5D=\2" dest="3">
When I tried to get movie details using this scraper XBMC crashed.
Thank you.
P.S Sorry for my English.
I try to tweak kinopoisk.ru scraper. But I have very little experience with scrapers. I cannot understand what I'm doing wrong - maybe someone can explain.
As I understood buffer $$1 holds cleaned filename something like "Die Hard (1988)"
And all what I try to do is regexp match on this string to split title and year.
My modified CreateSearchURL function:
<CreateSearchUrl dest="3" SearchStringEncoding="CP1251">
<RegExp input="$$1" output="http://www.kinopoisk.ru/index.php?level=7&from=forma&result=adv&m_act%5Bfrom%5D=forma&m_act%5Bwhat%5D=content&m_act%5Bfind%5D=\1&m_act%5Byear%5D=\2" dest="3">
When I tried to get movie details using this scraper XBMC crashed.
Thank you.
P.S Sorry for my English.