Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
keyboard GUI?

how can I change the keyboard UI to the one PMIII uses?

I have low vision and the keyboard that comes with xTV is a lot harder to read then the one PMIII uses and i guess it's just a matter of changing the keyboard variable somwhere?

Anyway this skin is the best and really love it!
ivago Wrote:hi,

how can I change the keyboard UI to the one PMIII uses?

I have low vision and the keyboard that comes with xTV is a lot harder to read then the one PMIII uses and i guess it's just a matter of changing the keyboard variable somwhere?

Anyway this skin is the best and really love it!

The keyboard layout is gonna be changed in the new version to a much more readable one.
sweet! any idea when xtv2 will be released?
I can't give you an exact date. I have been working on it when I have the time, which isn't that often. I was actually thinking about uploading the unfinished version to the skinning svn.

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keyboard GUI?0