Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
creating new buttons
I have successfully created a button on the home menu that goes directly to my video plugins folder. Below is the code in my Home.xml folder...

<onclick>ActivateWindow(video, plugins)</onclick>

The only problem is that when I use the button, the directory pops up as purely a directory. None of the plugins will activate. It acts like it is simply using the file manager to look at folder. I found this page: and it was very helpful in finding content... HOWEVER, there is no 'plugins' tag.

How can I make this button nav to the folder WITH functionality? It acts as though I am looking for video files within the plugin folders, when really I just want to run the plugins.

Note: I have already tried running it as (scripts, plugins) but the plugins cannot run as scripts and will not work.
<onclick>ActivateWindow(MyVideoFiles,plugin://video)</onclick> solved it.

thank you!

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