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Can't get TV series to scan into library
I just got the mini series "When We Left Earth: The Nasa Missions" and I'm trying to get it to import into XBMC. I use Media Info Plus to scrap data, but whne I try to add it to XBMC it never adds to tv series.

The files are named
When we left Earth-part1.mkv
When we left Earth-part2.mkv
When we left Earth-part3.mkv

And they're all in a folder \mnt\RAID0\TV\When We Left Earth

I can see the 3 files in file mode, but in library, they won't add. I've read the wiki and still can't figure out how to get them to add to library and stack properly.

Any suggestions?
Board: Zotac ION-A-U Case: M350 Mini ITX Memory: 4GB Patriot PC6400 OS: XBMC on build 6936 on a Corsair 32GB SSD Media Storage: W2K8 running on 14TB RAID 5 on an Asrock board w/ AMD Athlon X2 250 and PERC 6/I controller w/ 8 Samsung HD204UI Green drives Time to interface from power switch: 22.4 seconds.
Board: Zotac ION-A-U Case: M350 Mini ITX Memory: 4GB Patriot PC6400 OS: XBMC on build 6936 on a Corsair 32GB SSD Media Storage: W2K8 running on 14TB RAID 5 on an Asrock board w/ AMD Athlon X2 250 and PERC 6/I controller w/ 8 Samsung HD204UI Green drives Time to interface from power switch: 22.4 seconds.
This naming convention is not part of any default XBMC regexp .
Using the tvdb as a scraper I suggest you replace the partx with s01e0x
(given that the 3 are separate episodes)
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Thanks for the reply. Normally thats how my tv shows are formated, SxxExx, but this series wasn't in a EXX format, it was the entire show, split into 3 parts, so it's more like a S01E01-part 1, part2, part3....which it should stack into one long file.
Board: Zotac ION-A-U Case: M350 Mini ITX Memory: 4GB Patriot PC6400 OS: XBMC on build 6936 on a Corsair 32GB SSD Media Storage: W2K8 running on 14TB RAID 5 on an Asrock board w/ AMD Athlon X2 250 and PERC 6/I controller w/ 8 Samsung HD204UI Green drives Time to interface from power switch: 22.4 seconds.
We have to be able to enumerate (determine a season and episode number) the filename, otherwise the file is determined to not be TV and ignored.

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Can't get TV series to scan into library0