Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Some scrapers still not working....
Forgive me if anybody already opened such thread and me making a duplicate...
Have latest 9.04.1 version for Intel Mac and it seems only IBMD scraper works properly, where Amazon US and Amazon UK are not working at all. A single movie of cc 350 movies in my collection didn't find any movie info although having original names and other info.
Can you add more resourceful scrapers besides IBMD?
Thank you, and regards.
uhrr. patch welcome!
spiff Wrote:uhrr. patch welcome!

A little help and additional info on my problem with scrapers is welcomed, not some rebus talk...
You need to describe the problem better and also be far more clear on what you have tried. Also, not much can be done without a debug log of a scan. Use a site like to post it.
althekiller, thx.

On my 1.5TB external HD I have lots of my original DVDs, so when I tried to import info on any of them through Amazon US or Amazon UK scrapers, no movie was recognized (just IMDB). Neither my favorite shows such as 24 and Prison Break through Tv Shows scrapers could get an info.

I have latest version 9.04.1. Please advice. And thank you.
I advice you for the second time now... debug log ->
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I appreciate your replays but don't see a reason for debugging. Simply, my original movies and shows are NOT importing info from Amazon US and Amazon UK, just from IMDB, and that's not enough.
Sticking with FrontRow. Easier, simpler, and NO hassle, especially when asking for a help. And yes, no prefs, but will survive...
at least with the debug we would see what are the file pattern,error in logs and many other things that could do this. How could we help you if you dont want to help us to help you.
all the log does is show what's going on behind the scenes. it's not any form of punishment. the debug log helps provide the information that's needed in order to give a real solution. only you are able to replicate your exact circumstance and the debug log shows what's happening. there could be any number of reasons that the scrapers aren't working and it would just be speculation without being able to look under the hood.
When posting about a problem please submit a debug log to give you the best chance at getting an answer. It's easy, painless, and helps provide necessary information.

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Some scrapers still not working....0