Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Scanning for new Media - delete?

Adding new movies to my libary works perfect.. scraping on startup is activated and everthing works fine.

Bur what about deleting? I've about 130 HD Movies on my 1TB HDD - if there are new ones to add I've to delete some of the old (which i've seen). So most of the time I delete the old Movies.. but they are still in the libary.. so I've to "play" every movie I've deleted and delete it manually (This movie isn't on your hard disk any more. Do you want to delete it from the libary...) from my libary.. pretty annoying. Is there an option to "auto - delete" from the libary?

wiki. advancedsettings. <cleanonupdate>
perfect.. thank you..

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